Halloween Fun!!!!

As most of you guys know Halloween is on October 31. I love Halloween because you get to dress up in masks and costumes! No one knows who you are, and basically when you put on the costume you feel like a whole different person. When you go trick-or-treating you can go to house to house and get candy, you can hangout with your friends, or some people go to Halloween party’s. When you go house to house and get candy different things happen. Well they happened to me? I got yelled at and walked to the park and saw my friends! Don’t worry I’m not going to stop here I’m going to tell you way more.

So getting yelled at is not fun,obviously. Me and my friends were trick-or-treating, and we walked up to this house who had there bucket sitting outside of there house. We didn’t know that the people were sitting outside so we ran up to the bucket and grabbed a handful. My friend jumped over the bucket of candy not knowing that the lady was there and got in trouble. The good thing is that she laughed after it and we just ran to the next house.

That was one of my Halloween stories! What is one of your Halloween stories?

grab bag Bob Mical via Compfight


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